Ophiostomatoid fungi associated with the northern spruce engraver, Ips perturbatus, in western Canada

A number of ophiostomatoid fungi were isolated from the spruce-infesting bark beetle, Ips perturbatus and its galleries collected from felled spruce trees and logs in northern BC and the Yukon Territory. Isolates were identified to species using morphological characteristics, nuclear ribosomal DNA and partial β-tubulin gene sequences. Thirteen morphological and phylogenetic species were identified among the isolates. Leptographium fruticetum, Leptographium abietinum, Ophiostoma bicolor, Ophiostoma manitobense, O. piceaperdum, and eight undescribed species of the genus Ophiostoma and the anamorph genera Leptographium, Hyalorhinocladiella, Ambrosiella and Graphium. A number of these species, i.e. L. fruticetum, Hyalorhinocladiella sp. 2, O. bicolor and O. manitobense, were isolated repeatedly from I. perturbatus, while others, i.e. Graphium sp. 1 and O. piceaperdum, seemed to be␣sporadic associates. Among all the isolates, L. fruticetum had the highest relative dominance in this survey. A high frequency of occurrence of this species with the beetle may indicate a specific relationship between the two partners.