We cloned a DNA fragment directing synthesis of A-factor from the total cellular DNA of streptomycin-producing Streptomyces bikiniensis on the plasmid vector pIJ385 . Introduction of the recombinant plasmid ( pAFB1 ) into A-factor-deficient S. bikiniensis and Streptomyces griseus mutants led to A-factor production in the host cells, as a result of which streptomycin production, streptomycin resistance, and spore formation of these mutants were simultaneously restored. The plasmid pAFB1 also complemented both afsA and afsB mutations of Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2). These results indicated that the cloned DNA fragment contained the genetic determinant of A-factor biosynthesis. The cloned fragment, when carried on a multicopy vector plasmid, induced production of a large amount of A-factor in several Streptomyces hosts. In Southern blot DNA/DNA hybridization analyses with a trimmed 5-kilobase fragment containing the intact A-factor determinant as probe, total cellular DNA from A-factor-deficient mutants gave no positive hybridization. The DNA blot experiment also showed a wide distribution of sequences homologous to the S. bikiniensis A-factor determinant among most, but not all, A-factor-producing actinomycetes with a varying extent of homology and the absence of these sequences from most A-factor nonproducers .