Density matrix of quantum fluids

An elaborate cluster analysis of the single-particle occupation probability nq^ and associated one-body density matrix n(r) is performed for a Fermi system described by a Jastrow wave function. A diagrammatic formalism rooted in Ursell-Mayer theory facilitates the analysis. It is conjectured, and demonstrated to convincingly high cluster order, that nq^ may be written as n[N(q)+N1(q)], where n is a strength factor independent of wave number q and the quantities N(q) and N1(q) may be expressed as series of irreducible cluster contributions. The strength factor n has the form n=eQ, where Q may also be expressed as a series of irreducible cluster contributions. Massive partial summations on the latter series yield a compact expression for Q in terms of the spatial distribution functions corresponding to the Jastrow wave function. Working with the Fourier inverse of nq^, it is further demonstrated that n(r) may be cast in the form ρn[N1(r)+N2(r)]expQ(r), where ρ is the particle density and the functions N1(r), N2(r), and Q(r) are all given by irreducible cluster series. Massive partial summations are executed in the Q(r) series to achieve a compact expression of this quantity in terms of the aforementioned spatial distribution functions. One has Q(0)=Q. The leading diagrams necessary for a quantitative evaluation of the momentum distribution of liquid He3 and nuclear matter are displayed. Specialization to infinite degeneracy of the single-particle levels, while shrinking the Fermi wave number to zero (Bose limit), allows liquid He4 to be treated as well. In this limit off-diagonal long-range order appears, the condensate fraction ρ1n()=nc being just the strength factor n. It may also be shown (under certain reasonable assumptions) that...