The Certification Examination

Almost half the candidates of the 1976-77 certification examination in psychiatry answered a questionnaire seeking their opinions about the examination after they had experienced it. Opinions varied markedly depending upon whether the candidates were taking the examination for the first time or whether they were repeating it. The first-time group had the highest passing rate. This group also tended to feel adequately trained towards the examination and to like its present format. Those candidates who were repeating the examination tended to feel inadequately prepared and disliked the present format. Half the candidates in this sample had negative comments about this experience. A high level of anxiety and preoccupation with the examination were most often commented upon. A number of candidates did however find it easier and more fair than they had expected. The candidates, after taking the examination, tended as a group to feel better prepared and more positive toward the examination than the fourth year residents about to take the examination. The recommendations suggested focused on changing the task and image of the Board of Examiners, improving the examination and improving examination passing skills.

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