Synthesis of carbonic anhydrase with messenger RNA isolated from the cells of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Dangeard C‐9 grown in high and low CO2

Poly(A)+RNA was isolated from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cells grown autotrophically in ordinary air (low‐CO2 cells) and in air enriched with 4% CO2 (high‐CO2 cells). In vitro translation products with the messenger RNA showed that the synthesis of the 37‐kDa peptide was greater in low‐CO2 than in high‐CO2 cells. The immunoprecipitate produced by treating the translation products with antiserum against carbonic anhydrase (CA) from this alga was also 37 kDa. Comparison of radioactivities incorporated into these 37 kDA peptides suggested that CA induction by lowering atmospheric CO2 concentration is regulated at the transcriptional level.