Factor VII coagulant activity and cholesterol changes in premenopausal women consuming a long-term cholesterol-lowering diet.

We periodically obtained blood samples from mildly hypercholesterolemic, but otherwise healthy, premenopausal women who were recruited to participate in a study of a long-term, cholesterol-lowering diet. All meals were prepared and most meals were consumed in the study center dining facility. Tests performed on blood samples included fibrinogen, cholesterol, factor VII coagulant activity (VIIc), and other measures of factor VII. We found that when women switched from a typical American diet (37% fat, polyunsaturated fatty acid to saturated fatty acid [P/S] ratio 0.5, 300 mg cholesterol/d) to a diet lower in fat and cholesterol (American Heart Association phase 2 diet: 30% fat, P/S ratio of 1, 150 to 200 mg cholesterol/d) and maintained that diet for 20 weeks, their plasma cholesterol levels decreased by approximately 6% after 4 weeks and remained at that level until study termination. Likewise, VIIc decreased by approximately 11% while factor VII antigen, total factor VII activity, and fibrinogen concentration did not change appreciably from baseline values. Our results show that premenopausal women benefit from a diet lower in total and saturated fat by a reduction in blood cholesterol and VIIc. Extrapolation from data on men in the Northwick Park Heart Study indicates that the 11% decrease in VIIc activity would correspond to an approximately 30% decrease in risk of mortality from coronary heart disease.