Structure of Plant Cell Walls

Seven differently linked glycosyl residues were glycosidically linked to 0-4 of the branched 2,4-linked L-rhamnosyl residues contained in the rhamnosyl and galacturonosyl backbone of the cell wall pectic polysaccharide rhamnogalacturonan I [isolated from Acer pseudoplatanus]. These 7 glycosyl residues are the 1st residues of at least 7 different side chains attached to the rhamnogalacturonan backbone. These 1st side chain glycosyl residues are 5-linked L-arabinofuranosyl and terminal 3-, 4-, 6-, 2,6- and 3,6-linked D-galactopyranosyl residues. The existence of at least 7 different side chains in rhamnogalacturonan I indicates that rhamnogalacturonan I is either an exceedingly complex polysaccharide or that rhamnogalacturonan I is a family of polysaccharides with similar or identical rhamnogalacturonan backbones substituted with different side chains.