The jelly envelopes and fertilization of eggs of the newt,Notophthalmus viridescens

Fertilization in Notophthalmus viridescens is internal and involves passage of the sperm through five layers of egg jelly (J5‐J1, from outermost to innermost), each of which is secreted by a discrete region of the oviduct. Polyspermy is normal. Passage of the sperm through the jelly and into the egg was studied by a technique of artificial insemination similar to natural insemination, in that undiluted fluid from the vas deferens was applied directly to eggs with various layers of jelly present, followed by flooding with water three to five minutes later. In general, successful fertilization increased as the number of jelly layers increased; jellyless coelomic eggs were not fertilizable. Sperm passage through the jelly and into the egg usually occurs within one to three minutes. Upon hydration of the jelly, barriers to sperm penetration develop in layers J5 and J3. Changes in the egg jelly thus seem to be involved in the restriction of polyspermy to a low level.