The results of the measurements of the variation with concentration of the magnetic susceptibility in the solid solutions of the following systems are presented: copper with silver, cadmium, indium, tin, and antimony as solutes; silver with copper, zinc, gallium, germanium, arsenic, cadmium, indium, tin, and antimony as solutes. The density of states for silver is calculated by using the approximation to nearly free electrons. It is found that the density of states is decreasing at an electron to atom ratio of 1.0. It is further found that the method used in an earlier paper to discuss the magnetic properties of the α-solid solutions formed with copper by zinc, gallium, germanium, and arsenic is applicable to the monovalent–polyvalent systems of the present paper. It is concluded from the magnetic measurements that the Fermi surface touches the (III) Brillouin zone face in both silver and copper and that the rate of decrease of the density of states with electron to atom ratio is given approximately by the approximation to nearly free electrons. The solid solutions in the silver–copper system are anomalous.