Single particle tracking of surface receptor movement during cell division.

We have used fluorescent latex beads to label membrane receptors on cultured NRK cells. Movement of individual beads during cell division was recorded with digital imaging techniques. Surface-bound beads showed no organized movement during metaphase but started to migrate toward the equator approximately 1 min after anaphase onset, when chromosomes moved out of the equatorial region to create the interzone. The movement was most active in the central region of the cell near separating chromosomes, while beads located near the poles of the cell underwent primarily random motion. Most beads showed a surge in speed upon the passage of chromosomes, suggesting a possible link between chromosome separation and cortical reorganization. Furthermore, treatment of anaphase cells with cytochalasin D induced a rapid, simultaneous collapse of beads and cortical actin filaments into aggregates, indicating that the movement of beads was closely related to the reorganization of the actin cortex. In contrast to normal directional movement, cytochalasin-induced movement occurred in random directions and caused some beads in the equatorial region to move toward poles. Our results indicate that cytokinesis involves contractile activities, not only along the equator, but over a wide area of the actin-containing cortex. In addition, organized cortical activities appear to be temporally activated at anaphase onset, and spatially modulated by the spindle interzone or separating chromosomes.