Transistor oscillator-multiplier

This paper describes a solid state power source which employs a single 2N3375 transistor in the dual function of oscillator and variable-capacitance frequency-quadrupler. The transistor oscillates at 420 Mc and also serves as the variable capacitance to multiply the frequency to 1680 Mc. Power outputs of 350 milliwatts at a frequency of 1680 Mc are obtained from this signal source at an overall efficiency of 10%. The resonant circuits are fabricated from strip-line resulting in a light weight, very compact unit. The signal source may be readily frequency modulated. Data on the variation of the transistor collector base capacitance with voltage and current is presented. The use of this data in the design of oscillator-triplers and oscillator-quadruplers is described. The electrical and environmental characteristics of the signal source are presented.

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