An histo-morphological evaluation of ninety surgically excised human umbilical vein grafts

Morphological, histological, and scanning electron microscopy examinations were performed on 90 surgically excised human umbilical vein grafts. Most of the explanted grafts were removed because of thrombosis or infection and were removed typically from a patient in the mid 60s and after an average duration of implantation of 11 months. Multiple structural defects were found including deep folds, breaks on the luminal surface, and delamination. These areas as well as anastomotic sites represented potential areas for thrombotic accumulation. A higher incidence of infection was observed in grafts composed of 2 or 3 segments. Bacteria were often found in folds and could be seen invading the wall of the prosthesis. In addition, bacteremic colonization was often seen in noninfected grafts. The late aneurysmal formations were also of particular concern. The biodegradation of the wall and the disruption of the polyester mesh were the probable causes. The second generation Dardik Biograft aimed at reducing these formations. The success of this new processing remains to be evaluated.