Time course of hearing loss in an animal model of pneumococcal meningitis

A leading cause of morbidity from bacterial meningitis is an irreversible, usually profound sensorineural hearing loss, with an incidence as high as 30% in some studies. Bacterial meningitis remains the most common cause of acquired postnatal sensorineural deafness. Although several clinical studies have examined the long-term outcome of hearing in meningitis, few studies have examined the time course of hearing loss during the acute course of the disease. We have developed an animal model of meningogenic hearing loss in the rat and have plotted the time course of that hearing loss. Serial auditory brain stem responses (ABRs) were measured in rats inoculated in the cisterna magna (subarachnoid space) with Streptococcus pneumoniae (105 to 107 colony-forming units). All rats injected developed meningitis as evidenced by increased cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) white cell counts and positive CSF cultures. Serial ABR measurements taken 6, 12, 15, 18, 21, and 24 hours after inoculation demonstrated significant threshold shifts and eventual loss of the ABR waveform as compared with measurements in control rats injected with sterile culture medium. Hearing loss began approximately 12 to 15 hours after inoculation and progressed to complete loss by 24 hours (17 of 18 animals). No correlation was found between the magnitude of hearing loss and CSF white cell count or bacterial titer. Temporal bone histology of rats with meningitis shows a dense inflammatory cell infiltrate throughout the subarachnoid space. Labyrinthine inflammatory cells were confined to the scala tympani.