Bubble‐Free Aqueous Electrophoretic Deposition (EPD) by Pulse‐Potential Application

A novel method based on the application of a square‐wave pulse potential of 50% duty cycle has been demonstrated to obtain dense bubble‐free deposits of alumina by constant voltage electrophoretic deposition (EPD) from an aqueous suspension. Application of continuous dc voltage invariably resulted in the incorporation of bubbles in the deposits. Bubbles in the deposit decreased progressively with decrease in the size of pulse width during the pulse potential EPD. A unique and narrow band of pulse width exists for each voltage within which a bubble‐free deposit is obtained. The band is wider at low applied voltages than at higher voltages. Such bands of pulse width were found to be independent of substrate material and occurred at the same range for stainless steel and nickel substrates, suggesting that the process may be generic and applicable to any conductive substrate. The green density of deposits obtained by pulse EPD has been found to be the same as those obtained by continuous dc voltage EPD. The cathodic pulse EPD produced uniform and homogeneous deposits and was more convenient and amenable to better control than anodic pulse EPD.