Interactions entre deux parasitoïdes Diadromus collaris et D. pulchellus (Ichneumonides): survie des parasitoïdes mâles dans des chrysalides d'Acrolepiopsis assectella soumis ou non à une compétition intra- et interspécifique

Two species of solitary parasitoïd wasps, Diadromus collaris and D. pulchellus, are able to parasitize simultaneously the same host (Acrolepiopsis assectella). Only one parasitoïd individual can develop per host. The potential of each hymenopteron to produce an adult F1 was studied. Competition therefore occurs between young overabundant larvae. The theoretical and observed numbers of D. pulchellus adults were significantly higher than those of D. collaris. However, the differences observed between the number of D. pulchellus and D. collaris adults did not suggest that one species was more competitive under thermoperiodic conditions which were favorable to D. pulchellus.