Quantification of Knee Joint Fluid Volume by MR Imaging and CT using Three-dimensional Data Processing

A noninvasive, quantitative technique to estimate joint fluid volume using three-dimensional (3D) processing of magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and CT data was evaluated. The mean accuracy error of this 3D approach with MR imaging, performed on five fresh cadaver knees, was −2.4 ± 5.1% SD when volume estimates were based on heavily T2-weighted transverse images. A considerably higher mean accuracy error of - 12.5 ± 16.9% SD was found when the 3D approach with CT was used (four fresh cadaver knees), probably because of the small attenuation differences between articular soft-tissue structures and joint fluid. A mean precision error of 4.9 ± 2.3% SD was found when two radiologists independently evaluated in vivo MR imaging studies of 12 knees with joint effusion. Because of the low CT accuracy, no in vivo studies were performed using CT. Thus, this preliminary study shows that quantification of joint fluid volume with 3D data processing offers more accuracy with MR imaging than with CT. The 3D approach with MR imaging provides a potential tool for clinical studies.