Tunneling measurements ofNd1.85Ce0.15CuOx

Tunneling spectroscopy measurements have been carried out on the electron-doped oxide superconductor Nd1.85 Ce0.15 CuOx. Surfaces of a polycrystalline bulk sample of the compound were probed at low temperatures by a point-contact technique using Al as the counterelectrode. The differential conductance curve taken of the junctions exhibited a relatively well-pronounced gaplike structure near 5 mV at temperatures from 4.2 up to about 15 K. Taking the peak of the structure with the estimated Tc of the dominant phase of the sample, we obtain the reduced energy gap 2Δ(0)/kB Tc of 5.5±1.2, which is consistent with values we have obtained previously from the hole-doped oxide superconductors.