High-power, room-temperature, and continuous-wave operation of distributed-feedback quantum-cascade lasers at λ∼4.8μm

A high-power continuous-wave (CW) operation of distributed-feedback quantum-cascade lasers using a buried grating with epitaxial regrowth up to temperatures of above 60°C is demonstrated. For a high-reflectivity-coated 13μm -wide and 3mm -long cavity, CW output powers of 135mW at 25°C and still 37mW at 60°C are obtained. The device exhibits a CW threshold current density of 1.1kAcm2 , a maximum CW wall-plug efficiency of 1.48% at 25°C , and a characteristic temperature of 177K in pulsed mode. Single-mode emission near 4.8μm with a side-mode suppression ratio of >30dB and a tuning range of 8.1cm1 (i.e., tunability of 0.18cm1K ) in the temperature range from 15to60°C is observed.