Combination preoperative radiation and endocavitary hyperthermia for rectal cancer: Long-term results of 44 patients

Long-term results of 122 patients with advanced rectal cancer who were randomly treated with three different methods from July 1984 to July 1986. Of 122 patients, 44 were treated with endocavitary 915 MHz microwave applicators combined with 10 MeV X-ray or 60CO followed by surgery (group A), 38 with preoperative radiation (group B) and 40 with surgery (group C) as a control group. The temperature on the surface of the applicator touching the middle of the caudad to cephaladic extent of disease was 45–50°C for 45 min twice a week for 6–8 sessions. Radiation dose was 30 Gy or 40 Gy/4 weeks. Of cases with stages 0 and A, 45–5% (20/44) were in group A, 23–7% (9/38) in group B and 12–5% (5/40) in group C (x2 test p p <0.01, respectively). Five-year survival rate was 66.7% (24/36) in group A, 50% (14/28) in group B and 40.5% (15/37) in group C. Percentage of survival at 5 years was 73.7% (14/19) for 40 Gy plus heat, 57 .1 % (8/14) for 40 Gy alone, 58.8% (10/17) for 30 Gy plus heat, and 42.9% (6/14) for 30 Gy alone. Data suggest a survival advantage for patients treated with preoperative radiation combined with endocavitary hyperthermia.