The histochemical assessment of sulphated and non‐sulphated sialomucin in intestinal epithelium

A new method (KOH/AB 1.0/PAPS) for the simultaneous detection of sulphated and non-sulphated sialomucins in intestinal epithelium was compared to the standard high iron diamine/alcian blue (HID/AB) technique. Although there was no difference in the sensitivity of the methods in detecting cells containing only one type of mucin, detection of cells containing both types was twice as effective with the KOH/AB 1.0/PAPS method. This indicates that previous investigations using only HID/AB may have seriously underestimated mucosal non-sulphated mucin content and raises doubts about the validity of some of the conclusions reached concerning the pre-neoplastic potential of ''transitional'' mucosa of the colon.