Ultrastructural cytochemistry of aortic microfibrils in the arctic lamprey, Lampetra japonica

In the ventral aorta of lamprey, microfibrils are major components of the extracellilar matrix. With special refeence to these microfibrils, we have cytochemically exmined the ventral aorta, utilizaing the tannic acid (pH 7.0)‐uranyl acetate (TA‐UA) method, elastase en bloc digestion, Thiéry's periodis acid‐thiocarbohydrazide‐silver proteinate (PA‐TCH‐SP) method, and ferritin‐ or horseradish peroxidase‐labeledd concanacalin A (Con A) methods. The lamprey microfirils were strongly stained with PA‐TCH‐SP and both Con A methods, but did not show TA‐UA staining nor elastase sensitivity. These cytochemical properties of lamprey microfibrils are identical with those of mammalian elastin‐associated microfibrils. On the other hand, in spite of extensive examination, TA‐UA positive and elastase‐sensitive extracellular components were not found, so that lamprey ventral aorta does not appear to contain elasin. These results indicate that lamprey lamprey aortic connective tissue contains microfibrils as elastic components, but deposition of amorphous elastin dose not occur.

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