The craniofacial pattern of the Lengua Indians of Paraguay

Lateral cephalometric headfilms of 30 male and 30 female Lengua Indians taken in the Chaco area of Paraguay were compared with a sample of 23 male and 25 female South African Caucasoids with excellent occlusion. The most obvious difference noted between the two population groups was the degree of prognathism evident in the Lengua. This was attributed to the generally shorter anterior cranial base in the latter group rather than to the size or forward positioning of their jaws. The significantly larger ANB (Subspinale, Nasion, Supramentale) angle observed in the Lengua was attributed to one or both of two factors, namely, the short anterior cranial base or the clockwise rotation (forward tipping) of the jaws relative to the anterior cranial base. Chinpoint position relative to the anterior cranial base in the Lengua is not much different from that of our Caucasoid sample. The lower incisor teeth in the Lengua, but not the upper ones, are more labially inclined than those of the Caucasoids.