Immunological Studies Relating Two Recently Isolated Viruses, Germiston Virus from South Africa and Ilesha Virus from West Africa, to the Bunyamwera Group
Summary Two recently isolated viruses, Germiston from South Africa and Ilesha from West Africa, have been compared immunologically with members of the Bunyamwera group of viruses by both complement-fixation and hemagglutination-inhibition tests. It has been shown that both viruses belong to the group but are nonetheless sufficiently distinguishable from the other members to be considered as separate viruses. Hemagglutinins were prepared for both agents, a fact extending the knowledge of cross-hemagglutination in the group. Germiston virus was found to be closer to Bunyamwera virus in HI tests than to other members of the group, but was sharply set apart from the group as a whole in CF tests. Ilesha virus was found to be closer to Cache Valley virus in HI tests, and was closely related to both Cache Valley and Bunyamwera viruses in CF tests.