Tumors of the small intestine with little or no malignant predisposition: A review of the literature and report of 56 cases

Benign small bowel tumors are rare. If those with malignant potential are excluded, a small group of truly benign lesions remains. Fiftysix cases of these small bowel tumors were analyzed for clinical data, pathologic diagnosis, number, size, location, and radiologic appearance. Lesions included lipoma, myoepithelial hamartoma, Peutz-Jeghers hamartoma, neurogenic tumors (including gangliocytic paraganglioma), Brunner's gland abnormalities, and inflammatory fibroid polyp. Location, number, and radiographic morphology can be helpful in reaching a more specific diagnosis. Age of patient and size of tumor may be helpful in the differential diagnosis; however, sex of the patient and clinical symptoms are not.