Nonperturbative calculation of ZV and ZA in domain-wall QCD on a finite box

We report on a nonperturbative evaluation of the renormalization factors for the vector and axial-vector currents, ZV and ZA, in the quenched domain-wall QCD (DWQCD) with plaquette and renormalization-group-improved gauge actions. We take the Dirichlet boundary condition for both gauge and domain-wall fermion fields on the finite box, and introduce flavor-chiral Ward-Takahashi identities to calculate the renormalization factors. As a test of the method, we numerically confirm the expected relation that ZVZA in DWQCD. Employing two different box sizes for the numerical simulations at several values of the gauge coupling constant g2 and the domain-wall height M, we extrapolate ZV to infinite volume to remove a/L errors. We finally give the interpolation formula of ZV in the infinite volume as a function of g2 and M.
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