Neutrinos And Big Bang Nucleosynthesis
- 12 January 2005
The early universe provides a unique laboratory for probing the frontiers of particle physics in general and neutrino physics in particular. The primordial abundances of the relic nuclei produced during the first few minutes of the evolution of the Universe depend on the electron neutrinos through the charged-current weak interactions among neutrons and protons (and electrons and positrons and neutrinos), and on all flavors of neutrinos through their contributions to the total energy density which regulates the universal expansion rate. The latter contribution also plays a role in determining the spectrum of the temperature fluctuations imprinted on the Cosmic Background Radiation (CBR) some 400 thousand years later. Using deuterium as a baryometer and helium-4 as a chronometer, the predictions of BBN and the CBR are compared to observations. The successes of, as well as challenges to the standard models of particle physics and cosmology are identified. While systematic uncertainties may be the source of some of the current tensions, it could be that the data are pointing the way to new physics. In particular, BBN and the CBR are used to address the questions of whether or not the relic neutrinos were fully populated in the early universe and, to limit the magnitude of any lepton asymmetry which may be concealed in the neutrinos.Keywords
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- Version 1, 2005-01-12, ArXiv
- Published version: Physica Scripta, T121, 142.
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