Level Structure ofDy164from the ReactionDy163(n, γ)Dy164

Gamma rays from the reaction Dy163(n, γ)Dy164 have been observed with a Ge(Li) spectrometer operated in the pair mode. Transitions have been observed from the capture state to the 2+ (73.39-keV) and 4+ (242.23-keV) members of the ground-state rotational band, to the 2+ (761.80-keV) and 3+ (828.2-keV) members of the Kπ=2+ gamma-vibrational band, and to the 2 (976.9-keV) and 3 (1039.3-keV) members of the Kπ=2 octupole band. Transitions to the 4+ member of the gamma band and to the 4 member of the octupole band have not been observed. In order to explain this anomalous gamma-ray branching, it is hypothesized that the capture-state wave function contains components with well-defined K values.