Shell-Model Structure ofCa4250

The low-lying states of the calcium isotopes Ca42 through Ca50 are discussed within the framework of the conventional shell model. An inert Ca40 core is assumed. Calculations are made in several basis-vector spaces involving active 0f72, 1p32, 0f52, 1p12, and 0g92 neutron orbits. In one set of calculations, we use a "realistic" effective interaction derived for this mass region by Kuo and Brown. The shell-model results suggest that, in this effective interaction, the interactions of f72 neutrons with p32, p12, and f52 neutrons are too strong. In other calculations, with a modified Kuo-Brown interaction, we find the calculated spectra for the low-lying states of the calcium isotopes are in agreement with observed spectra, with several significant exceptions. The exceptions are that the second 0+ and 2+ states observed in Ca42, Ca44, and Ca46 are not accounted for in the calculation. Calculated spectroscopic factors for f72 transfers are in good agreement with experimental spectroscopic factors, and the observed centroids of the p32 single-particle strengths are reasonably well reproduced. Our results also indicate that "core-excitation" effects are significant above about 2.5 MeV in Ca42 through Ca48.