A rare case is presented of mycotic infection in a Japanese female, who had cutaneous alternariosis in the face at age 9, and died of cerebral phaeohyphomycosis 8 years later. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case in which these two unusual and different mycoses have occurred successively in the same person. The cerebral lesions were located in the right parietal region close to the sulcus centralis and in the region of the right cerebral lateral fissure. They were granulomatous and characterized by the presence of numerous microabscesses. In the center of these were seen many dematiaceous fungal elements that consisted mainly of light brown, septate hyphae 1·5 2·5µm in diameter, from which elongated cells 3–4 × 8–10 µm in size were seen proliferating. In addition, yeast-like cells 8–10 µm in diameter were observed. The etiologic agent isolated from the brain lesions was identified as Cladosporium bantianum (Sacc.) Borelli (=Cladosporium trichoides Emmons) on the basis of our morphological and physiological findings and its neurotropism in experimentally inoculated mice. In der Arbeit wird ein seltener Fall von Haut-Alternariose am Gesicht bei einem neunjährigen Mädchen beschrieben, der 8 Jahre später mit einer Gehirn-Phaeohyphomycose zum Tode führte. Auf Grund von morphologischen, physiologischen und neurotropischen Kriterien wurde der Pilz aus den zerebralen. granulamatösen Herden als Cladoesporium bantianum (Sacc.) Borelli ( = Cladosporium trichoides Emmons) klassifiziert. Unseres Wissens, ist dies der erste Fall, bei dem diese 2 ungewöhnlichen und verschiedenen Mykosen bei der gleichen Person auftraten.

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