Electromagnetic form factors of odd-Arotational nuclei

We present a systematic study of single-particle and collective transverse current multipoles in the ground-state band of odd-A axially symmetric deformed nuclei. We analyze the interplay between single-particle and collective contributions to the total transverse form factors for elastic and inelastic scattering in a number of nuclei (169Tm, 177,179Hf, Pu239), which exemplify different possibilities of ground-state kπ bands ((1/2+,(7/2r,(9/2+) and of odd-Z or odd-N character. We also discuss the dependence of form factors and static moments on the mean field used to generate the ground-state wave function. The dominant contribution is found to come from the odd nucleon, except in the low momentum transfer region (q<1 fm1) where the core is manifest through its interference with the single-particle amplitude.