The Effect of Iodide Ingestion on the Development of Spontaneous Lymphocytic Thyroiditis in the Diabetes-Prone BB/W Rat*

It has been suggested that the incidence of Hashimoto''s thyroiditis is increased in the presence of high iodide intake. The diabetes-prone BB/W rat develops spontaneous histological autoimmune lymphocytic thyroiditis (LT) without functional hypothyroidism between 60 and 120 days of age. Studies were carried out to determine whether iodide administration of BB/W rats would affect the incidence and severity of LT and induce hypothroidism. Iodide (0.05% in water) or tap water (C) was administered ad libitum to 42 10-month-old BB/W rats and 71 30-day-old BB/W rats for 8 weeks. For control purpose, 0.05% iodide or tap water (C) was also administered ad libitum to 42 30-day-old nondiabetic and non-LT-prone BB/W genetically equivalent rats (W-line) for 12 weeks and 41 21-day-old Wistar rats for 7 weeks. In a separate experiment, weanling BB/W rats were fed a low iodine diet, a control iodine-sufficient (C) diet, or Purina chow (P) and tap water ad libitum for 8 weeks. In each experiment, blood was obtained at the time of death for the measurement of serum T4, T3, TSH, and antithyroglobulin antibody (anti-Tg Ab), and the thryoids were removed for histoloigical evaluation (0 = no LT; 1-4 = LT). Iodide adminstration (0.05%) induced a significant increase in the incidence of LT in 30-day-old BB/W rats (I, 77%; C, 30%, P < .001). Thyroid weight and serum T4, T3, and anti-Tg Ab concentrations were not affected by iodide administration. However, the presence of LT was associated with a significant increase in thyroid weight and anti-Tg Ab concentrations. BB/W rats subjected to a low iodine diet exhibited a significantly decreased incidence of LT (low I, 8.6%; C, 47.3%; P < 0.01), but no statistically significant difference in anti-Tg Ab levels. Increased iodide intake did not significantly affect the incidence of LT in adult BB/W rats and did not induce LT or affect thyroid function in W-line or Wistar rats. These data show that iodine intake significantly affects the incidence of spontaneous LT in young, genetically predisposed rats.