Daily Energy Budgets and Patterns of Activity of the Adult Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrel, Spermophilus tridecemlineatus

The daily energy budget (DEB) of adult Spermophilus tridecemlineatus during the active season (233 cal/g day) is significantly higher than during the interim season (82 cal/g∙day) or the hibernation season (70 cal/g∙day). DEB's for the interim and hibernation seasons are not significantly different if energy consumed during periodic arousals is included in values for average daily metabolic rates for hibernation. No significant differences were noted in DEB's or patterns of activity between males and females during any season. Activity patterns exhibited by animals during the active season were correlated with thermoregulatory needs, during the interim season insured rapid weight gain in preparation for hibernation, and during the hibernation season consisted of bouts of hibernation interspersed with periods of arousal.

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