Longitudinal sections of rapidly growing leaf shoots were soaked for 2-4 hr. in 0.002M 18-hydroxyquinoline at 25 C, blotted, and fixed in 3:4:1 ethanol, chloroform, acetic acid. A 30 min. maceration at 45 C in a pectinase solution (Pectinal 59-L; Rohm and Haas) softened the material for staining and squashing. Excess pectinase was removed and 1% aceto-carmine stain was applied. After locating the gently tapping the cover clip to disperse the cells, heavy pressure was applied with a No. 9 rubber stopper and the heel of the hand. By the use of this procedure, karyotypes could be constructed in several genera of forage grasses. The karyotype of Paspalum notatum Flugge is illustrated.