Thermal death kinetics of Bacillus stearothermophilus spores at ultra high temperatures II. Effect of heating period on experimental results

Summary: The effect of the heating period on the death of bacterial spores when heated in capillary tubes was investigated. Theoretical equations for the calculation of an equivalent heating time if there were no heating up period, were derived and a computer programme developed to carry out the necessary analysis. the temperature distribution within a capillary tube during heating was determined by experiment so that the parameters for the analysis could be obtained.Results showed that the heating period has a negligible effect for treatment temperatures up to 135°C. Above this temperature the heating period becomes increasingly more significant and analysis of this kind can be used to obtain more reliable data. It was shown that thermal death rates defined by semilogarithmic curves increase sensibly in accordance with Arrhenius kinetics up to temperatures of the order of 150°C.