The effect of random impurities (quenched disorder) on the growth of correlations is studied for model A and model B after a sudden quench to Tc from the high-temperature phase (i.e., random initial conditions). Exponents and scaling functions of the nonequilibrium dynamic response function Gk(t)=[〈∂φk(t)/∂φk(0)〉] and the structure factor Sk(t)=[〈φk(t)φk(t)〉] are calculated to first order in ε (ε=4-d) for the O(n) model. For a nonconserved order parameter, the scaling form Gk(t)=tλ/zf(kzt) is obtained, with f(0)=const and λ=ε/4+O(ε2), for 1<n<4. For n>4, random impurities are irrelevant, and λ=[(n+2)/2(n+8)]ε+O(ε2), in agreement with calculations on the pure system. For a conserved order parameter λ=0, but the scaling function f(x) is nontrivial. For both conserved and nonconserved order parameter, disorder gives rise to algebraically decaying scaling functions.

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