Leberfunktionsstörung, Thrombopenie und Hämolyse bei einer besonderen Verlaufsform der Schwangerschaftshypertonie (sog. HELLP-Syndrom)

The so called HELLP syndrome is a severe complication of pregnancy-induced hypertension, characterized by haemolysis (H), elevated liver enzymes (EL) and low platelet counts (LP). The data of 37 patients with a HELLP syndrome are presented. In addition to the clinical symptoms of pregnancy-induced hypertension, 21 patients suffered from abdominal pain and 5 patients from icterus. Thrombocytopenia, haemolysis and elevated liver enzymes were observed in every case. In 28 of the patients a Caesarean section was performed to prevent further deterioration of the disease. Three patients died post partum as a consequence of severe complications. In five pregnancies intrauterine deaths were observed. The results of this retrospective study confirm the great risk for both the mother and the foetus, if pregnancy-induced hypertension is complicated by a so called HELLP syndrome.