The Elmslie-Trillat procedure: Evaluation in patellar dislocation and subluxation

The Elmslie-Trillat procedure for correction of patello femoral malalignment was evaluated in 27 knees in 22 patients with an average followup of 42 months (mini mum of 24 months). Preoperative and postoperative pain and activity levels were recorded for all knees. The quadriceps angle was recorded in 22 knees preopera tively and in 19 knees postoperatively. Good or excel lent results were obtained in 81% overall and in 91 % of those knees with patella alta. The postoperative quadriceps angle (Q-angle) correlated with the result. Correction of 10° or less was always associated with a good or excellent result. In contrast, all patients with a fair or poor result had Q-angles of 15° or greater. The preoperative Q-angle did not correlate with the eventual result. We concluded that inadequate medial displacement of the anterior tibial tuberosity may lead to unsatisfac tory results and that this may be avoided by intraoper ative measurement of the Q-angle; that significant distal advancement of the tibial tuberosity is not required in patella alta; and that correction of the Q-angle to 10° or less correlates with a good or excellent result from the Elmslie-Trillat procedure for treatment of patella subluxation and dislocation.

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