Hemodynamic, Hemorheologic, and Hemocoagulative Changes After Treatment With Picotamide in Patients Affected by Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) of the Lower Limbs

Effects of picotamide on platelet activity and on some hemorheologic, coagu lative, and hemodynamic parameters were investigated in a randomized, dou ble-blind, placebo-controlled study for eighteen months. Twenty patients, average age 61.5±9.6 (SD) years, with peripheral arterial disease (PAD) at functional stage 2 of the Fontaine classification and with intermittent claudica tion for at least six months were studied. Ten patients received tablets of picotamide, 300 mg three times a day, and 10 subjects received three identical placebo tablets each day. Similar atheroscler otic disease risk factors were present in both groups. Picotamide induced a significant decrease of plasma viscosity, fibrinogen, and beta-thromboglobulin and an increase of amplitude of the photoplethysmo graphic wave.