Clinical significance of antibodies to soluble extractable nuclear antigens (anti-ENA).

Clinical and biological manifestations have been studied in 134 patients whose serum had antibodies to soluble extractable nuclear antigens (ENA). 85 of the patients had anti-RNP antibodies, 18 had anti-Sm antibodies, and 31 had antibodies to one or more soluble nuclear antigen. In all groups, the predominant clinical manifestations were polyarthritis, Raynaud's phenomenon, fever, and skin involvement. Renal disease was less common in those patients with anti-RNP antibodies than in the other patients. Most patients with definite renal disease (13 out of 15) also had circulating anti-DNA antibodies. The final diagnoses in these 134 patients were well defined connective tissue disease in 59; overlap syndromes in 34; a limited clinical syndrome made up of polyarthritis Raynaud's phenomenon--often with swollen fingers--and/or hypergammaglobulin-aemia in 31, and various other clinical conditions in 10.