This study was conducted to determine the incidence of hyperelasticity. We believe that deviations from the normal are usually exhibited as variations in degree. In addition to those patients who have the characteristics of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, there are others who have one or more of the changes encountered in this syndrome, but to a slighter degree. Dermatorrhexis (Ehlers-Danlos syndrome) was the term proposed by Ronchese1 in 1936 for a symptom complex which consists of three factors: pronounced fragility of the skin and its blood vessels, with breaking, splitting, and the formation of hematomas and pesudotumors subsequent to the slightest trauma; a more or less pronounced hyperlaxity and hyperelasticity of the skin; and hyperlaxity or hyperflexibility of the joints. In 1949 he2 suggested the terms dermatofragility with dermatohyperelasticity and hyperlaxity of the joints. He also stated that the difference between the hyperelastic