Compliance, clinical effects, and factors predicting weight reduction during a very low calorie diet regime

Objective - To study compliance, clinical effects, and factors predicting weight reduction in obese patients treated with a very low calorie diet (VLCD) regime. Setting - A general practice in Oslo, Norway. Subjects - 253 obese volunteers, aged 15-72, with a mean body mass index (BMI) of 33.4 (25-51) kg/m2. Design - Open, non-comparative trial. Patients used a VLCD for eight consecutive weeks to achieve weight loss. the following were recorded every second week: weight, blood pressure, anthropometric measurements, compliance, side-effects, and patient acceptability. Blood parameters were tested before and after the trial. Results - VAS-measurements showed that patients found it easy to comply with treatment, and 87.0% completed the study. Mean weight loss was 13.2 (2-33) kg. Blood pressure, serum lipids, and anthropometric measurements were significantly reduced. Side-effects were few and occurred mainly during the first two weeks of the trial. Main factors predicting weight reduction were gender, initial weight, initial BMI, and age. There was no correlation between weight loss and duration of obesity or reported number of weight reduction attempts. by VAS-measurements good acceptability of satiety and taste was recorded, and patients reported improved physical fitness and better quality of life after weight reduction.

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