Sudden infant death syndrome and infant mortality in Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal infants

The aim of this study was to investigate sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) in the context of total infant mortality for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal infants. Deaths for infants born in Western Australia from 1980 to 1988 inclusive were ascertained from a total population data base. Infant mortality rates and rates by period and cause of death were calculated for both populations. Aboriginal infants had a mortality rate three times that for non-Aboriginal infants (23.6 cf. 7.9 per 1000 live births) and both populations showed a similar rate of decline in mortality over the study period. There were differences in the proportion of deaths occurring neonatally and postneonatally in the two populations. In terms of SIDS, 21% of the deaths in Aboriginal infants occurred neonatally compared with 7% for non-Aboriginal infants. The overall cause of infant death distribution differed significantly between the two populations (P < 0.001). During the study period, Aboriginal infants showed a significant increase in deaths due to SIDS and a significant decrease in those due to birth defects and low birthweight. These results suggest it would be useful to review the pathology and diagnosis of sudden unexplained death in infancy.