Molecular Dynamics of Indium and Cerium Hexachloride Ions

Normal vibrations, of spherical top molecules or ions of XY6 type belonging to Oh symmetry, have been studied by a number of workers1,2. Cut of the six fundamentals, that they are known to possess3, a set of three gerade modes ν1 (a1g), ν2(eg) and ν5(f2g) are Raman active while a set of two—ν3 and ν4(f1u) are infrared active while ν6(f2u) is inactive in both Raman and infrared, though it may appear in combination. ν1, ν2 and ν3, fundamentals involve stretching of the X-Y bond while the remaining three ν4, ν5 and ν6 fundamentals are primarily associated With skeletal deformations due to Y-X-Y bending modes. Thus symmetry distribution of vibrations of such molecules or ions in this point group is given by on group theoretical considerations.