Chaoborus americanus predation on various zooplankters; Functional response and behavioral observations

Predation rates for Chaoborus americanus on different types of noncyclomorphic zooplankton prey were determined in the laboratory as a function of both prey species and density. The sequence of events leading to consumption of prey was also observed, and probabilities determined for the various components. Predation rates generally reached an upper limit as the density of prey increased to high levels. Larger prey were always less vulnerable to Chaoborus predation. Among the species of zooplankton prey examined Holopedium gibberum suffered the lowest rates of predation, while those of the other plankters (Daphnia pulex, D. rosea, Moina hutchinsoni, Diaptomus birgei, D. leptopus, Cyclops vernalis) were approximately equivalent for any given size category. Observation of the predatory sequence indicates that for all the plankters except H. gibberum there were relatively high rates of evasion of attack by C. americanus and low rates of escape after capture. For H. gibberum the situation was reversed, and escape after capture was particularly important in determining the predation rate. The gelatinous envelope of Holopedium gibberum seems to operate as an effective anti-predator device which reduces the likelyhood of retention by Chaoborus after contact has been made.