SUMMARY: To improve results obtained when examining actinomycetes by scanning electron microscopy, the microscope was operated under conditions giving higher resolution with a reduced but sufficient depth of focus. In addition, fixation and dehydration of specimens before coating reduced the distortion caused by desiccation under vacuum. By these means, representatives of the following genera were examined: Actinobifida, Actinoplanes, Actinopycnidium, Actinosporangium, Microbispora, Microechinospora, Microellobosporia, Planomonospora, Sporichthya, Thermoactinomyces and Thermomonospora. The study revealed points of similarity between Actinopycnidium and Actinosporangium; Microellobosporia and Microechinospora; and Actinobifida and Thermoactinomyces.

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