The material examined in the present investigation was given to the writer by Mr W. Ross Cockrill, F.R.C.V.S., Veterinary Officer, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Carmarthen. The specimens were collected by Mr Ross Cockrill on the whale factory ship Balaena when he accompanied the Antarctic Whaling Expedition in the winter of 1951–2 for the purpose of making investigations into the pathology of whales. The whales were caught in the Ross Sea area roughly between 67° 51′ S. and 71° 13′ S., and the parasitic worms recovered from them include cestodes, nematodes and Acanthocephala. The worms were fixed at the time of collecting, the cestodes in 5% formalin and the nematodes and Acanthocephala in hot 70% alcohol. When only one or a few specimens were found they were all fixed, but if the infestation was heavy a sample was collected. In addition, portions of infested kidney and lesions from other parts of the body thought to be associated with parasitic infestation were included in the collection. The writer is greatly indebted to Mr Ross Cockrill for the gift of this material.

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