On the origin of intestinal transferrin

Summary The incorporation of35S-l-methionine (35S-Met) into TCA-precipitable protein is used to measure protein synthesis in isolated non-vascular perfused jejunal segments and in isolated liver cells under steady-state conditions in rats. 105 × g supernatants of homogenates from jejunal segments and from liver cells as well as the jejunal absorbate were processed immuno-electrophoretically. Incorporation of35S-Met radioactivity into precipitin lines with sera against transferrin, IgG and plasma proteins were autoradiographed and compared semiquantitatively with each other. Calculated on a wet-weight basis this system is sensitive enough to detect transferrin synthesis down to a level of 1% of that in the liver. Still, no transferrin synthesis was found in the jejunal mucosa, while35S-Met incorporation into TCA precipitates and into IgG continued in isolated jejunal segments for over 2h. A good correlation was found (r = 0.88,P < 0.01) between mucosal and plasma transferrin in normal as well as in iron deficient rats. A complete immunologic cross-reactivity could be demonstrated between different plasma transferrins and the transferrin in three different preparations of the intestinal mucosa. Immunoblots of electropherograms after isoelectric focussing showed no distinct differences between transferrin in the plasma, bile, and in the mucosal epithelium.