Ne [norepinephrine] injected into the lateral ventricle of the rat facilitated the rate of SS [self-stimulation] dose-dependently: NE at 0.5 .mu.g did not change the rate of SS, but at 5 and 20 .mu.g facilitated it significantly (P < 0.05 and p < 0.01, respectively). Ep [epinephrine] also facilitated the rate of SS to a similar extent to NE:Ep at 0.5 .mu.g did not change the rate of SS significantly, but at 5 and 20 .mu.g facilitated it significantly (P < 0.01). Neither DA [dopamine] nor Iso [isoproterenol] changed the rate of SS: both drugs at all doses (0.5, 5 and 20 .mu.g) had no detectable effects on the SS behavior. The LH-SS [lateral hypothalamic self-stimulation] behavior was facilitated by intraventricular injection of Ep and of NE, but not by Iso or DA. The adrenergic or noradrenergic system in the brain may play a more important role in the positive reinforcement of LH-SS behavior than does the dopaminergic system, and the action of Ep or NE may be facilitated through .alpha.-receptors rather than through .beta.-receptors.