Pigments, polysaccharides, and photosynthetic products of Phaeosaccion collinsii

Zoospores of Phaeosaccion collinsii averaged 70 µ3 and contained total N 2.24 pg, DNA 0.19, and chlorophyll a 0.62 pg per spore. In addition, chl c, "cis"-β-carotene, fucoxanthin, and violaxanthin were principal pigments and a minor unidentified carotene was present.Photosynthetic rates of zoospores were 0.37 × 10−12 g C per spore per hour, or 0.59 mg C per mg chl a per hour at 5°. The principal products of photosynthesis were mannitol and a water-soluble glucan.Carbohydrates in the thalli were fractionated and evidence is presented for the presence of a laminarin-like glucan, mannitol, myo- and scyllo-inositols. Alginate was absent.The relationship of P. collinsii to other algal groups is discussed and it is concluded that its affinities lie with the Chrysophyceae.

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