Enzymatic patterns in the embryonic development of the cricket,Acheta domesticus L.

The activity of the enzymes G6PDH, 6PGDH, GAPDH, LDH, CS, MDH, NADP-linked ICDH, GOT, GPT, and GLDH was tested in different stages of developing eggs and in just hatched larvae of crickets. A malic synthase could not be found. The enzymatic pattern changes considerably during this period. Considering this pattern, and especially the quotient (GAPDH)/CS, it seems justified to state that, up to the formation of the germ band, the energy is derived mainly from oxidation of glucose in the citric acid cycle. Later on, lipids substitute partly for glucose. Anaerobic energy production seems to be limited to the stage of the dorsal closure. By inhibiting the formation of the germ band, the activity of GAPDH, and CS is not changed significantly. The rise in activity of G6PDH is correlated with the increased rate of r-RNA synthesis. The increase of activity of MDH and NADP-linked ICDH corresponds to the differentiation of the germ band. These enzymes, together with GOT, GPT, and GLDH should be involved in the synthesis of amino acids from carbohydrates during the later part of development. In the hatched larvae the activity of all enzymes has risen considerably. This stage is characterized by the fact that G6PDH, 6PGDH, GAPDH, LDH, CS, and NADP-linked ICDH display the same activity.